What’s New in OSDM Version 1.4
The following features have been added with version 1.4 of OSDM.
Booking Synchronization
If there is change in a trip or a booking, we have added an API that a carrier or distributor system can inform a retailer about that fact, that a trip or a booking has changed. The retailer can then itself inform a passenger or the purchaser e.g. a travel agency about changes to its booking.
The API consists of a set of webhooks that allow to send events about changes which involve e.g. trip cancelled, booking cancelled or seat changed. See Booking Synchronization for details.
Added A Getting Started Tutorial
The OSDM API is feature rich. The reason for its richness is that OSDM aims to cover all possible public transportation products and distribution processes within Europe and beyond.
Nevertheless the complete booking flow consist of three simple REST calls only, same for refund. To help you getting started we have added a Getting Started Tutorial that gets you up to speed in no time.
Added Support for Paperless Complaint Management
For a customer it must be possible to submit a claim for a booking or parts of it (e.g. in case of a return trip) where the service has not been provided as promised. This includes delays of trains as well as service derogation (e.g. first class not available, …).
OSDM now provides an online API to submit a complaint for a booking which can be
implemented by any retailer to digitize this process. See the /complaints
resources for details.
Differentiate Between Passenger and Purchaser
Especially for travel agencies or the B2B business center it’s important to
distinguish between purchaser and passenger. I.e., a purchaser is not always
a passenger. Thus, we have added the purchaser
the API.
Add Constraints on Allowed Journey Interruptions
If an open ticket has constraints on how often a journey can be interrupted this fact can now be expressed in the Offline as well as Online Fare data.
Add Constraints on Multi-Journey Products
With this version, multi-journey products can be expressed.
Improved OJP Support
The LegBoard
, LegIntermediates
and LegBoard
entities have been added
according to the
Open Journey Planning (OJP)
Reduction Cards are Available to Ticket Vendors
Reduction cards are now available to ticket vendors to be used for selecting the
cards for requests and in customer profiles. See /masterdata/reductionCards
for details.
Add the Responsible TCOs in the Booking Data
New we can support cases where the ticket control organization (TCO) to control tickets is different from the fare provider.
Option to Indicate CarrierConstraints at the Level of RegionalValidity
and ViaStation
This feature on the OSDM offline part of the specification allow to indicate CarrierConstraints at the level of RegionalValidity and ViaStation in the fare.
Travel Validity Depending on Boarding Time Only
Some special tickets define a travel validity based on the boarding time only. These tickets are the valid on that train until the passenger leaves the train.
E.g. Eurail tickets on specific night trains where the Eurail ticket must be valid at boarding time only and the passenger can stay on the train until his destination on the next day.
Other work addressed includes:
- Improving the API’s description
- Fixing minor inconsistencies
- Incorporating feedback from the first implementors