The mandatory code lists on enums and extensible enums are provided within the schema files.

URNs for code lists

Code List Name Space and domain CodeList Description example base path for relative references
stations urn:uic stn UIC station codes ( = TAP-TSI retail station codes as defined in TAP-TSI Technical Document B.9). The codes are defined in TAP-TSI as numerical codes starting with the TAP-TSI country code without leading zeroes. Temporary codes not jet part of TAP-TSI reference data might be added with an additional number before the country code as agreed with ERA. urn:uic:stn:8512345 urn:uic:stn:
metastations urn:uic metastn UIC meta station codes to e used for Points of Interest urn:uic:metastn:198 urn:uic:metastn:
service brands , products urn:uic sbc UIC service brand code (TAP-TSI B.4.7009 / urn:uic:sbc:17 urn:uic:sbc:
companies urn:uic rics:ac company code (TAP-TSI / and optional administration code (AC) urn:uic:rics:1080:000011 urn:uic:rics:
countries urn:iso std:iso:3166 ISO Country Codes urn:iso:std:iso:3166:CH urn:iso:std:iso:3166:
currencies urn:iso std:iso:4217 ISO Currency Codes urn:iso:std:iso:4217:CFR urn:iso:std:iso:4217:
stations urn:iata li IATA Location Identifiers for airports or rail stations defined in IATA Airline Coding Directory (ACD) urn:iata:li:XWC urn:iata:li:

Proprietary values

Be it to represent specific places, or any other type of reference data, some OSDM providers may need to extend a code set with proprietary values in order to support their use cases, while these values are unlikely to be relevant to the rest of the OSDM community. To do so, an OSDM provider should then use the following format for the proprietary values it wishes to extend the code set with :

urn: x_::

For example: urn: x_zoo:paxtype:OLIPHANT

RFC 8141 Section 2.1 allows the domain part of the URN to be 30 ASCII alphanumeric letters at maximum including the x_ prefix. URN treats the domain part as case-insensitive where OSDM mandates it to be always lower case.

Known proprietary code lists

Domain Code List Description
x_eva stn HAFAS station codes

Accommodation Type

Code Description
COUCHETTE Night trains only
BERTH Night trains only
VEHICLE Place for vehicles, e.g. in car carriage trains
STORAGE Storage place for items, e.g. a hook for bicyles or space for a pram

Accommodation Sub Type, Place Property, Reservation Place Preference

The Accommodation Sub Type defines the characteristics of a place for an offer. It can not be changed within the offer.

(Reservation) Place Preferences define the options that can be selected within the offer when requesting a reservation. Place Properties define the place characteristics for the places in a reservation.

Depending on the commercial decisions some codes might be used in accommodation sub type with one carrier whereas another carrier might alow them in the place preferences (e.g. Bicycle and Tandem Bicycle might have the same price (Place Preference) of different prices (Accommodation Sub Type). There might be place properties that indicate characteristics of a place to the traveler which are not selectable (e.g. Place without Window)). Therefore the shown usage for the different types are an indication but not mandatory.

Place Preference Group collects Place preferences where only one can be chosen of by the customer.

Code Accommodation Sub Type Place Preference Place Property Description Place Preference Group
AISLE N Y Y Place at the aisle PLACE_LOCATION
AIR-CONDITIONED N Y Y Place in air conditioned area  
ANY_SEAT Y N Y Indicates within a place preference group explicitly that the selection is optional  
BISTRO Y Y Y Places in a coach with self-service bistro  
BICYCLE Y Y Y Bicycle hook  
BICYCLE_LOW Y Y Y Bicycle hook, no or slight lift only of front wheel needed  
BICYCLE_MIDDLE Y Y Y Bicycle hook, waist high lift of bike needed  
BICYCLE_HIGH Y Y Y Bicycle hook, complete lift of bike needed to reach hook  
BUSINESS Y Y Y Manager compartment/business  
BUSINESS_COMFORT Y Y N Business Comfort – business seat with reduced service  
CABIN8 N Y Y Special place group in TGV  
CAR_SMALL Y N Y Vehicle parking place category 1-3  
CAR_LARGE Y N Y Vehicle parking place category 6-8  
CARRE N Y Y Carré (4 seats facing normally 2nd Class)  
CHILDREN_AREA Y Y Y Places in children area FAMILY
CLUB Y N Y Club Category (RENFE)  
CLUB_2 N Y Y Club Duo (2 seats facing in a separate compartment)  
CLUB_4 N Y Y Club 4 (4 seats facing)  
COMPARTMENT Y N Y places in a compartment PLACE_GROUPING
COMPLETE Y N Y all places in a compartment are included, no other passengers will be located in the compartment  
CONFERENCE Y N Y Conference compartment  
CONNECTING_DOOR N Y Y Compartments with connecting door (in sleepers)  
COUCHETTE_2 Y N Y Two person couchette cabin  
COUCHETTE_4 Y N Y Couchette Four-berth  
COUCHETTE_5 Y N Y Couchette Five-berth  
COUCHETTE_6 Y N Y Couchette Six-berth  
COUCHETTE_COMFORT_4 Y N Y Couchette higher quality Four-berth  
COUCHETTE_COMFORT_5 Y N Y Couchette higher quality Five-berth  
COUCHETTE_COMFORT_6 Y N Y Couchette higher quality Six-berth  
COUCHETTE_PRM_2 Y N Y Couchette suitable for PRMs Two-berth  
COUCHETTE_PRM_3 Y N Y Couchette suitable for PRMs Three-berth  
COUCHETTE_PRM_4 Y N Y Couchette suitable for PRMs Four-berth  
DOUBLE Y N Y Two person sleeper compartment  
DOUBLE_SWC Y N Y Double sleeper compartment with shower & WC  
DOUBLE_SWC_DB Y N Y Double sleeper compartment with shower & WC & double bed  
DOUBLE_S Y N Y Double sleeper compartment with shower  
EASY_ACCESS Y Y Y Place with easy access for PRMs  
FACE_2_FACE Y Y Y places face to face (2 seats facing) PLACE_ALIGNMENT
EXCELLENCE Y Y Y Special Excellence Places (RhB)  
FAMILY Y Y Y Places in family area FAMILY
FRONT_VIEW N Y Y Seat with front-view  
HISTORIC_COACH Y Y Y Seat in historic coach  
INCLUDING_MEAL Y Y Y Meal at the place is included  
INCLUDING_DRINK Y Y Y A drink is included at the place  
KIOSQUE N Y Y Kiosque (special seats in edge area of a TGV)  
LADIES N Y Y Ladies compartment  
LOWER_BED N Y Y Lower bed or couchette PLACE_LOCATION
LOWER_DECK N Y Y Lower deck in a double deck train DECK
MEN N Y Y Men compartment in night train  
MIDDLE_BED N Y Y Middle bed or couchette PLACE_LOCATION
MINI_SUITE Y N Y Mini Suite - single person couchette compartment (Capsule)  
MIXED N Y Y Mixed compartment in night train  
MOTOR_CYCLE Y N Y Motorcycle  
MOTOR_CYCLE_SC Y N Y Motorcycle with sidecar  
NEAR_ANIMALS N N Y Places close to place with animals  
NEAR_DINING N Y Y Places near the dining car  
NEAR_PLAY_AREA N Y Y Places near a child play area FAMILY
NEAR_BICYCLE_AREA Y Y Y Places near the bicycle storage space  
NEAR_WHEELCHAIR Y Y N used to indicate places near the wheelchair when booked by an accompanying person  
OPEN_SPACE Y Y Y Places in open space area PLACE_GROUPING
PANORAMA Y Y Y Places in a panorama coach  
PHONE N Y Y Places in an area with mobile phone amplifier  
POWER N Y Y Place with power socket  
PRAM Y N Y Place for a Pram  
PRAM_WITH_SEAT Y N Y Seat with space for a pram  
PREMIUM Y Y Y Seat with premium comfort (higher than first class)  
RESTAURANT Y Y Y Restaurant (places in a dining car)  
SILENCE Y Y Y Quiet Compartment (Seat)  
SINGLE Y N Y Single sleeper compartment  
SINGLE_SWC Y N Y Single sleeper compartment with shower & WC  
SINGLE_SWC_DOUBLE Y N Y Single compartment with shower & WC & double bed  
SIDE_BY_SIDE N Y Y places side by side (2 seats side by side) PLACE_ALIGNMENT
SALON N Y Y Salon (6 seats facing in a separate compartment)  
SLEEPERETTE Y N Y Sleeperette (reclining seat)  
SLEEPER_DELUXE Y N Y berth deluxe  
SOLO Y Y Y Separate place without neighbor seat PLACE_LOCATION
SOLO_COM N Y Y Special separate place without neighbor seat (e.g. in TGV) PLACE_LOCATION
SPECIAL_SLEEPER Y N Y Special Sleeper Compartment, one Person sleeper compartment smaller than a Single  
TABLE N Y Y Places at a table  
TANDEM Y Y Y Tandem Bicycle  
TOURIST_SLEEPER_2 Y N Y T2 sleeper compartment  
TOURIST_SLEEPER_3 Y N Y T3 sleeper compartment  
TOURIST_SLEEPER_4 Y N Y T4 sleeper compartment  
TOURIST_SLEEPER_3_SWC Y N Y T3 sleeper compartment with shower & WC  
UPPER_BED N Y Y Upper bed or couchette PLACE_LOCATION
UPPER_DECK N Y Y Upper deck in a double deck train DECK
VIDEO N Y Y Place with video entertainment  
WHEELCHAIR Y Y Y Wheel chair place  
WHEELCHAIR_AND_SEAT Y Y Y Wheelchair place with additional seat  
WHEELCHAIR_NO_SEAT Y Y Y Wheelchair space without additional seat  
WIFI N Y Y Places with WiFi access point  
WINDOW N Y Y place at the window PLACE_LOCATION
WITH_ANIMALS Y Y Y Place with animals (animals allowed)  
WITH_SMALL_CHILDREN N Y Y Places for passengers with small children FAMILY
WITHOUT_ANIMALS N Y Y Place in an area where animals are not allowed  

Ancillary category

Code Description
PAYMENT_VOUCHER Payment voucher to be used to pay
PRODUCT_ACCESS Access to retrieve a product (e.g. electronic newspaper,..)
LUGGAGE Allowance for extra luggage
LUGGAGE_TRANSFER Service for luggage transport
ON_BOARD_SERVICE Access to service on board
STATION_SERVICE Access to some station service, Lounge access,…
WIFI Access to WiFi
PARKING parking of cars


Code Description
FCB Flexible Content Barcode - See IRS 90918-9 / TAP TSI B.12
TLB Ticket Layout Barcode - See IRS 90918-9 / TAP TSI B.12
SSB Small Structured Barcode - See IRS 90918-9 / TAP TSI B.12
DOSIPAS Double Signed Dynamic Barcode (static part (FCB) and dynamic part created at the control time) - See IRS 90918-9 / TAP TSI B.12


Code Description
LOYALTY_CARD Loyalty card
REDUCTION_CARD Card providing reduction
CHIP_CARD Chip card to load bookings/references onto it
PASS A pass providing full or partial reduction within the region where the pass is valid

Company Code

See code TAP-TSI Company code list.

Country Carrier Code Short Name Full Name
AT 1281 ÖBB ÖBB- Personenverkehr AG
AT 2133 CAT City Air Terminal Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H
AT 3039 WLC Wiener Lokalbahnen Cargo GmbH
AT 3063 RTS RTS Rail Transport Service GmbH
AT 3178 RNE RailNetEurope
AT 3226 LINZ LINIEN GmbH LINZ LINIEN GmbH für öffentlichen Personenverkehr
AT 3236 WESTbahn WESTbahn Management GmbH
AT 3268 Holding Graz Holding Graz - Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH
AT 3282 IVB Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe und Stubaitalbahn GmbH
AT 3306 VOR Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) GmbH
AT 3427 VAL ÖBB-Postbus GmbH - Vienna Airport Lines
AT 3465 OÖVG OÖ Verkehrsverbund-Organisations GmbH Nfg. & Co KG
AT 3602 VVV Verkehrsverbund Vorarlberg GmbH
AT 3613 STB Steiermarkbahn und Bus GmbH
AT 3786 ROeEE PV Raab Odenburg Ebenfurter Eisenbahn AG Personenverkehr
BE 18 THI Factory THI Factory SA
BE 1088 SNCB/NMBS Société nationale des chemins de fer Belges / Nationale Maatschappij der Belgische Spoorwegen
BE 3018 THI Thalys International
BE 3914 Moonlight Express Moonlight Express Travel BV
BE 7187 VSB Voyages SNCF Benelux SPRL
CH 1085 SBB AG Schweizerische Bundesbahnen
CH 1185 SBB-Passengers Swiss Federal Railways-Passenger subsidiary
CH 1285 SBB-EPA Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB Division Voyageur
CH 1385 SBB2 Schweizerische Bundesbahnen Personenverkehr
CH 3017 CBB Centralbahn AG
CH 3342 VöV Verband öffentlicher Verkehr
CH 3917 THU Regionalbahn Thurbo AG
CH 7387 VSS Voyages SNCF Suisse SARL
CZ 3189 ARV ARRIVA vlaky, s.r.o.
CZ 3244 LE LEO Express Global a.s.
CZ 3246 RJ Regiojet a.s.
CZ 3288 GWTR GW Train Regio a.s.
CZ 3641 LG Lokalka Group, spolek
CZ 3725 LET Leo Express Tenders s.r.o
CZ 3752 RJUK Regiojet UK a.s.
CZ 3825 Gepard Express Gepard Express, SE
DE 1080 DB AG Deutsche Bahn AG
DE 1180 DB Vertrieb GmbH DB Vertrieb GmbH
DE 3012 BSB Bodensee-Schiffsbetriebe GmbH
DE 3016 evb EVB Elbe-Weser GmbH
DE 3030 GVG Georg Verkehrsorganisation GmbH
DE 3071 EVG Eifelbahn Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3076 Transdev Transdev GmbH
DE 3118 AG EMS Aktien-Gesellschaft ‘EMS’
DE 3155 RVF Regio-Verkehrsverbund Freiburg GmbH
DE 3164 agilis agilis Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
DE 3165 ODEG ODEG Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH
DE 3202 SSB AG Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG
DE 3213 HVV Hamburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH
DE 3229 RNV GmbH Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH
DE 3230 Die Länderbahn Die Länderbahn GmbH DLB
DE 3243 üstra AG üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG
DE 3249 NBE NBE nordbahn Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH
DE 3254 HKX Hamburg-Köln-Express GmbH
DE 3258 metronom metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH
DE 3274 S-Bahn Berlin S-Bahn Berlin GmbH
DE 3275 HOCHBAHN Hamburger Hochbahn AG
DE 3279 RMV Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH
DE 3284 VBK GmbH Verkehrsbetriebe Karlsruhe GmbH
DE 3295 FlixMobility FlixMobility GmbH
DE 3312 Ticex GmbH Ticex GmbH
DE 3314 BVG Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (AöR)
DE 3316 AVG AVG Augsburger Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3318 MVV Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH
DE 3321 MVG Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3392 highQ highQ Computerlösungen GmbH
DE 3393 SVDE SNCF Voyages Deutschland GmbH
DE 3396 DB Fernverkehr DB Fernverkehr AG
DE 3426 BVGHT B.Verkehrsbetriebe HT
DE 3453 MVB Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH & Co. KG
DE 3469 Naldo Verkehrsverbund Neckar-Alb-Donau GmbH (Naldo)
DE 3493 WEG Werra-Eisenbahnverkehrsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3496 VIASP VIAS Passenger
DE 3510 BTE BTE BahnTouristikExpress GmbH
DE 3540 INVG Ingolstädter Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3546 VVW Verkehrsverbund Warnow GmbH
DE 3549 ERB KEOLIS Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
DE 3591 AKN AKN Eisenbahn AG
DE 3594 Abellio Abellio GmbH
DE 3607 AVG Albtal-Verkehrs-Gesellschaft mbH
DE 3684 ABRM Abellio Rail Mitteldeutschland GmbH
DE 3719 RFG Regiobahn Fahrbetriebsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3722 erixx erixx GmbH
DE 3729 RDC Deutschland RDC Deutschland GmbH
DE 3817 DVB Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG
DE 3834 VRB Verkehrsverbund Region Braunschweig GmbH
DE 3837 SVG Schienenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH
DE 3841 HANS Hanseatische Eisenbahn GmbH
DE 3848 Go Ahead BW Tricon
DE 3849 NXG National Express Rail GmbH
DE 3864 DB Regio DB Regio AG
DE 3873 RTB Rurtalbahn GmbH
DE 3885 BEG Brohltal-Schmalspureisenbahn Betriebs-GmbH
DE 3925 VIASR VIAS Rail GmbH
DE 7287 VSD Voyages SNCF Deutschland GmbH
DK 1186 DSB-Passenger Danske Statsbaner-Passenger subsidiary
DK 1286 DSB-EPA DSB - Passenger - Reservations issued via EPA
ES 1071 Renfe Renfe Operadora
ES 3780 Rielsfera RIELSFERA SAU
ES 3860 ILSA ILSA Intermodalidad de Levante
ES 7587 VSE Voyages SNCF Espana SRLU
FI 3191 HMVY Haapamäen museoveturiyhdistys ry
FI 3204 PMR Porvoon Museorautatie ry
FR 14 CWL Compagnie des Wagons-Lits
FR 1187 SNCF Voyages SNCF Voyages
GB 15 RMF Rail Manche Finance
GB 17 ENS European Night Services Ltd
GB 19 Eurostar I Eurostar International Limited
GB 1170 ATOC Ltd Association of Train Operating Companies Limited
GB 3008 StL UK Stena Line UK Ltd
GB 3048 STA Travel STA Travel International Ltd
GB 3448 STC Switzerland Travel Center Ltd
GB 7087 VSUK Voyages SNCF UK Limited
HR 1178 HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o. HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o. za prijevoz putnika
HU 1143 GYSEV Passenger Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút Zrt. Személyszállítás
HU 1155 MÁV-Start MÁV-Start Vasúti Személyszállító Zrt.
HU 1355 MAV START Zrt MAV START Railway Passenger Transport Co.
IT 77 FS EPA Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA EPA
IT 1280 DB B I DB Bahn Italia Srl
IT 3270 TN Trenord Srl
IT 3280 SAD SAD Trasporto Locale SpA
IT 3451 FT SpA Ferrotramviaria SpA
IT 3454 TT Trentino Trasporti SPA
IT 3455 TFT S.p.A. Trasporto Ferroviario Toscano S.p.A.
IT 3458 GTT Gruppo Torinese Trasporti
IT 3460 Fergargano Ferrovie del Gargano S.r.l.
IT 3462 BI Busitalia Sita Nord s.r.l.
IT 3463 AIR ARRIVA Italia Rail S.r.l.
IT 3470 NTV SPA Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori SpA
IT 3827 OBB IT OBB Italia S.r.l.
IT 7487 VSI Voyages SNCF Italia SRL
LT 24 LTG AB ‘Lietuvos geležinkeliai’
LT 1124 LTG Link UAB LTG Link
LU 1182 CFL Voyageurs Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois.
NL 6 StL Holland Stena Line Holland BV
NL 1084 NS holding N.V. Nederlandse Spoorwegen
NL 1184 NS Reizigers NS Reizigers BV
NL 3095 Arriva Arriva Nederland
NL 3553 Keolis Keolis Nederland
NL 3564 HTM HTM Personenvervoer N.V.
NL 3604 GoAbout GoAbout B.V.
NL 3606 Qbuzz Qbuzz B.V.
NL 3626 GVB GVB Exploitatie BV
NL 3888 European Sleeper European Sleeper Cooperatie U.A.
NL 8999 Connexxion Connexxion Openbaar Vervoer N.V.
NL 9901 Eurail B.V. Eurail B.V.
NL 9902 Eurail Group - management Eurail Group G.I.E. management
NO 3028 Narvik Visit Narvik
NO 3403 FT Flytoget AS
NO 3822 Vy Tog Vy Tog AS
PL 1051 PKP Polskie Koleje Państwowe Spółka Akcyjna
PL 1151 PR Przewozy Regionalne Spółka z o.o.
PL 1251 PKP Intercity PKP Intercity S.A.
PL 1351 SKMT PKP SKM w Trójmieście Spółka z o.o.
PL 3151 KM ‘Koleje Mazowieckie-KM’ Sp. z o.o.
PL 3238 Arriva RP Sp. z o.o. Arriva RP Spółka z ograniczoną opdowiedzialnością
PL 3252 KD Koleje Dolnośląskie S.A.
PL 3253 KW Koleje Wielkopolskie Sp. z o.o.
PL 3397 Eurotrans Eurotrans Sp.z o.o.
PL 3495 WISKOL WISKOL Sp. z o.o.k spolka komandytowa
PT 1094 CP CP - Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E.
PT 3390 FERTAGUS FERTAGUS, Travessia do Tejo, Transportes, S.A.
RO 1153 CFR Călători Societatea Naţională de Transport Feroviar de Călători
RO 3322 REGIOTRANS SC Regiotrans SRL Brasov
RO 3942 IRC SC Interregional Calatori SRL
RS 1172 SV Srbija Voz a.d.
SE 1174 SJ SJ AB
SE 3027 Länstrafiken Länstrafiken i Norrbotten AB
SE 3051 Snälltåget Snälltåget i Sverige
SE 3126 Öresundtåg Skånetrafiken, Region Skåne
SE 3197 VT Västtrafik AB
SE 3251 Scandlines AB Scandlines AB
SE 3294 Botniatåg Botniatåg AB
SE 3350 ITAB Inlandsbanan Turism AB
SE 3550 Tagab Tågåkeriet i Bergslagen AB
SE 3578 SL AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik
SI 1079 SŽ, d.o.o. Slovenske železnice, d.o.o.
SI 1179 SŽ - Potniški promet, d.o.o. Slovenske železnice - Potniški promet d.o.o.
SI 1279 SŽ - Potniški promet Slovenske železnice / Potniški promet d.o.o.
SK 1156 ZSSK Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a.s.
SK 3425 VIALTE VIALTE s.r.o.
SK 3524 Arriva SK Arriva Service s.r.o.
US 3287 Amtrak National Railroad Passenger Corporation


Code Description
REGISTRY See IRS 90918-4 / TAP TSI B.14, data are delivered to the UIC registry
PEER2PEER See IRS 90918-4 / TAP TSI B.14, data are exchange peer 2 peer


Code Description
SIP `SIP Security in Paper -CIT secure background See IRS 90918-9
SID `SID Security in Data (e.g. signed barcode) See IRS 90918-9
SIS `SIS Security in System (Online control vs. Ticket registry) See IRS 90918-9/90918-4


Currency codes used in OSDM are based on the ISO 4217 standard.


Code Description
ADMISSION transport contract
RESERVATION seat allocation might include a supplement
ANCILLARY ancillary

Fare CoachType

Legacy reservation code defined in UIC 90918-1 / TAP TSI B.5.51.1 .

Fare CompartementTypeCode

Legacy reservation code defined in UIC 90918-1 / TAP TSI B.5.51.2.


Code Description
ETICKET Electronic ticket
CIT_PAPER Value paper
PASS_CHIP Fulfillment loaded on pass
PASS_REFERENCE Reference to booking loaded on pass


Code Description
RCT2 RCT2 secure paper format (including compressed format)
RCCST Credit Card Size format
UIC_PDF PDF according to UIC Standard
PDF_A4 proprietary A4 pdf format
PKPASS pkpass file format
RETAILER_APP mobile ticket in retailer specific format to be loaded into mobile app of the retailer
DISTRIBUTOR_APP mobile ticket in distributor specific format to be loaded into mobile app of the distriutor
TICKETLESS no ticket
SMS ticket information of link to the fulfillment send by SMS


Code Description
X Diverse

Graphics Items

Icon Description Icon Code Orientation Used Mounting Used
seat 1 to right -
seat 1 to left -
seat 1 up -
seat 1 bottom -
berth 2 to left -
berth 2 to right -
couchette 3 to right -
couchette 3 to left -
small table 20 - top
small table 20 - bottom
big table 21 - top
big table 21 - bottom
wall with angle to left, height covers three places 24 - bottom
wall with angle to right, height covers three places 25 - bottom
wall with angle to left, height covers three places 24 - top
wall with angle to right, height covers three places 25 - top
small wall with angle to left, height covers two places 27 - bottom
small wall with angle to right, height covers two places 28 - bottom
small wall with angle to left, height covers two places 27 - top
small wall with angle to right, height covers two places 28 - top
wall between two compartments, height covers three places 23 - bottom
wall between two compartments, height covers three places 23 - top
small wall between two compartments, height covers two places 26 - bottom
small wall between two compartments, height covers two places 26 - top
small wall between two compartments, height covers two places 29 - bottom
small wall between two compartments,height covers two places 29 - top
very small wall between two compartments, height covers one places 32 - bottom
Very small wall between two compartments, height covers one places 32 - top
end-to-end wall 30 - top-to-bottom
Mobile wall between sleeping compartments, height covers three places 31 -  
arrow indicating upper level 51 - top-to-bottom
arrow indicating lower level 52 - top-to-bottom
arrow indicating upper level 53 - top-to-bottom
arrow indicating lower level 54 - top-to-bottom
1st class area 101 - -
2nd class area 100 - -
mobile phone area 103 - -
mobile phone forbidden area 104 - -
silence area 116 - -
bar area 102 - -
dining area 107 - -
bicycle area 108 - -
luggage area 109 - -
luggage locker 110 - -
conference compartment 111 - -
wardrobe 113 - -
dust bin 114 - -
children play area 117 - -
Space for prams 112 - -
family area 106 - -
PRM area 105 - -
Priority Seats 120 - -
Non-smoker area 118 - -
WC 115 - -
power socket 119 - -
WiFi area 130 - -
PRM toilet 131 - -
Air condition 132 - -
USB ports for charging 133 - -
Reclining seat 134 - -
Window 135 - -
stairs upwards 136 - -
stairs downwards 137 - -
Working compartment 144 - -
Cabin for allergic passengers 145 - -
Meeting lounge for 7 persons (Pendolino) 150 - -
Meeting lounge for 12 persons 151 - -
Space for skis 154 - -
Conductor working compartment 155 - -
Mobile phone booth 156 - -
T-loop (audio induction loop) 158 - -
Pets compartment 160 - -
Sleeping cabin with toilet and shower 161 - -
interconnectible sleeping compartments 162 - -
Shower 163 - -
Baby-care table 168 - -
push-button operated wheelchair ramp 170 - -
Sink / washbasin 171 - -
Ladies compartment 172 - -
Medium window, width covers two spaces 174
Big window, width covers three spaces 175
Door with left opening (traditional) 176 Left
Door with left opening (traditional) 176 Top
Door with left opening (traditional) 176 Right
Door with left opening (traditional) 176 Bottom
Door with right opening (traditional) 177 Left
Door with right opening (traditional) 177 Top
Door with right opening (traditional) 177 Right
Door with right opening (traditional) 177 Bottom
Door (sliding) 178 Left bottom
Door (sliding) 178 Top right
Entrance 179 Left
Entrance 179 Top
Entrance 179 Right
Entrance 179 Bottom
Icons concerning the entire coach description icon code
1st class coach 121
2nd class coach 122
mobile phone coach 127
mobile phone forbidden in the entire coach 128
1silence coach 126
coffee bar 123
dining car 124
bicycle coach 125
mixed group/individual coach 129
WiFi area 139
Air condition 140
USB ports for charging 141
business class 142
panorama coach 143
luggage coach 173
sleeping car 174
car-carrier 175

Interface Type

Code Description
IRS90918_1_RESERVATION_BINARY Reservation interface according to IRS90918-1 binary message format / TAP TSI B.1 binary
IRS90918_1_RESERVATION_XML Reservation interface according to IRS90918-1 XML message format / TAP TSI B.5 soap


Language codes used in OSDM are based on the ISO 639-1 standard.

Leg Attributes

Service Facilities


Language codes used in OSDM are based on the ISO 639-1 standard.

NUTS codes

The common classification of territorial units in the EU (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/2066) provides codes for different levels of geographical/political units. E.g.:

Code Description
BE21 Prov. (2) Antwerpen
BE211 Arr. Antwerpen

Overrule Code

Code Description Support by Implementer
CONNECTION_BROKEN The next leg can not be reached by passenger as previous leg failed. Mandatory
EQUIPMENT_FAILURE Vehicle can no longer be operated. Optional
PAYMENT_FAILURE Payment failure. Optional
PRM_SUPPORT_UNAVAILABLE A PRM has booked a trip which is not available to him/her. Optional
SALES_STAFF_ERROR Sale staff error. Mandatory
STOP_NO_SERVED Vehicle did not serve the stop place. Optional
STRIKE Strike. Mandatory
TECHNICAL_FAILURE Technical failure on the distribution channel. Mandatory
TICKET_NOT_USED Ticket not (fully) used by passenger. Optional
DEATH Death of a traveller Optional
INABILITY_TO_TRAVEL Inability to travel due to accident or sickness. Optional
EXTERNAL_COMPENSATION Offer has been compensated outside of the provider system in another way. Optional
DISRUPTION Inability to operate due to disruption. Optional
JOURNEY_OBSOLETE Due to external factors it’s senseless to start the trip, thus the travel is obsolete. Optional
CERTIFIED_MEDICAL_CONDITION A medical certificate certifies that the passenger is unable to travel. Optional
DELAY_COMPENSATION Allows to override conditions in context of passenger rights regulation (PRR). Optional

Passenger Type (aka. Traveler Type)

Code Description Transportable Bulk (Offline) Online Request Online Reply 918-9 FCB Version 3
YOUNG_CHILD Young child defined by the carrier depending on the age   X   X freeAddonChild
CHILD Child defined by the carrier depending on the age   X   X child
YOUTH Youth defined by the carrier depending on the age   X   X youth
ADULT Adult defined by the carrier depending on the age   X   X adult
SENIOR Senior defined by the carrier depending on the age   X   X senior
FAMILY_CHILD Child associated with a family traveling together   X X X freeAddonChild
ACCOMP_PRM Accompanying Person for PRM   X   X adult
PRM_CHILD Handicapped young child accompanied by one person where the usual child according to the age price would be zero and the accompanying person would also be free   X   X child + flag passengerWithReducedMobility
WHEELCHAIR Passenger with wheel-chair     X   wheelchair indication in the reservation data
PERSON Used in requests together with date of birth and in replies in case of products that might include a change of passenger type along the route     X X  
PRM Person with reduced mobility - to be used in case of accompanying person or dog, date of birth must be provided additionally     X   flag passengerWithReducedMobility
DOG A dog X X X X dog
PET A pet but not a dog X X X X  
LUGGAGE Over-size luggage X X X X special luggage data
BICYCLE A bicycle X X X X bicycle
PRAM A pram X X X X special code in the reservation data
ACCOMP_DOG An accompanying dog for a PRM X X X X dog
CAR A car for car-carriage trains X X X X special car carriage data
MOTOCYCLE A motorcycle for car carriage trains X X X X special car carriage data
TRAILER A trailer for car carriage trains X X X X special car carriage data


Code Description

Personal data items

Codes for personal data items that might be transferred to the carrier if required.

Code Description
DATE_OF_BIRTH Date of birth
E_MAIL e-mail
PHONE Phone number
FULL_NAME Full name (first and last name)
LAST_NAME Last name
SOCIAL_MEDIA_ACCOUNT A social media account
LANGUAGE Languages of the passenger
TITLE Title of the passenger
DOC_TYPE Type of the document if passport or id card are possible
DOC_ID ID of the document
DOC_NAME Name of the passenger as written on the document
DOC_CITY_OF_RESIDENCE City of residence as written in the document
DOC_GENDER Gender as written in the document
GENDER Gender to be used for special bookings
DOC_NATIONALITY Nationality as given in the documen
DOC_LIMIT_OF_VALIDITY Limit of validity as written on the document
DOC_TYPE_PASSPORT Document provided must be a passport
CARD_ISSUER Card issuer
CARD_NUMBER Card identifier

Personal data transfer types

Code Description
BOOKING The data will be transfered via the booking services
PRE_BOOOKING The data will be transfered via the pre-booking (offer) services
SIS_CONTROL The data will be transfered via security in system control data exchange (IRS 90918-4)
SID The data will be transfered via a barcode

Personal data change reasons

Code Description
IN_GENERAL No specific reason
DOCUMENT_CHANGE E.g. passport was lost and replaced
AGENT_ERROR Personal data were enterd wronlgy by the sales agent

Product Tags

Code Description
SPLIT_RESERVATION Indicate for the provider that the distributor is prepared to get reservations including a split inside the reservation Without this indication the provider is not allowed to use the SplitSection Object inside a reservation. The implementation of SPLIT_RESERVATION is not recommended. To provide reservations that do not cover a full leg multiple reservations as offerParts should be created.
Product Types All product types can be used as Product Tags in the search
CARD_LOST Tag used to request a non-trip offer to replace a lost card. This applies to physical cards only.
TICKET_LOST Tag used to request a non-trip offer to replace a lost ticket. This applies to physical tickts only.

Product Types

Code Description
ADMISSION_MULTI_RIDE admission that can be used for multiple journeys
ADMISSION_POINT2POINT admission for a single (point to point) journey
ADMISSION_PASS admission for a pass to be used unlimitedly within
UPGRADE_PASS upgrade for a pass to be used unlimitedly within
UPGRADE_POINT2POINT upgrade for a single (point to point) journey
UPGRADE_MULTI_RIDE upgrade that can be used for multiple journeys
RESERVATION reservation
ANCILLARY_SERVICE ancillary service
ANCILLARY_ITEM ancillary item (e.g. merchandising item)
REDUCTION_CARD reduction card

Public Transportation Modes (ptMode)

see Transport Modes

Point of Interest (POI)

POICodeList: By default the code list is set to UIC.

POICode: Values are depending on code list and set is too large to be reproduced

Reduction cards

The following code lists defines the commonly used cards which are not provided by a specific carrier:

Predefined Card-Ids Issuer Description Type Included Cards
UIC_RAILPLUS * A pure rail plus card REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_1 * RIT reduction for RIT 1 members REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_2 * RIT reduction for RIT 2 members REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_3 * RIT reduction for RIT 3 members REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_EURAIL_1 Eurail Eurail Pass First Class TRAVEL_PASS  
UIC_INTERRAIL_1 Eurail Interrail Pass First Class TRAVEL_PASS  
UIC_FIP_LEASURE_RED_1 FIP FIP reduction (50%) First Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_FIP_LEASURE_FREE_1 FIP FIP free personal use First Class TRAVEL_PASS  
UIC_RAILPLUS_1 * A pure rail plus card First Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_1_1 * RIT reduction for RIT 1 First Class members REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_2_1 * RIT reduction for RIT 2 First Class members REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_3_1 * RIT reduction for RIT 3 First Class members REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_EURAIL_2 Eurail Eurail Pass Second Class TRAVEL_PASS  
UIC_INTERRAIL_2 Eurail Interrail Pass Second Class TRAVEL_PASS  
UIC_FIP_LEASURE_RED_2 FIP FIP reduction (50%) Second Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_FIP_LEASURE_FREE_2 FIP FIP free personal use Second Class TRAVEL_PASS  
UIC_RAILPLUS_2 * A pure rail plus card Second Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_1_2 * RIT reduction for RIT 1 members Second Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_2_2 * RIT reduction for RIT 2 members Second Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_RIT_3_2 * RIT reduction for RIT 3 members Second Class REDUCTION_CARD  
UIC_EU_DISABILITY_CARD_BLIND * EU Disabled Card for a blind person    
UIC_EU_DISABILITY_CARD_WHEELCHAIR * EU Disabled Card for a person using a wheelchair    

Note: A card associated with a person in a request might result in a reduction applied to an accompagning person or pet.

Other cards should start with the RICS code of the issuer.

Reservation Preference Group

Code Description
ACC_VEHICLE Different types of accompanying vehicles
BERTH_LOCATION Location of a berth or couchette
FAMILY Different types of places for families
LEVEL Upper or lower deck
PLACE_GROUPING Compartment / Open Space
PLACE_LOCATION Place location (Aisle, Window)
USAGE Different usage types for different coach areas
VEHICLE Different types of vehicles

Service Brands

Snapshot version, for the actual code list see UIC Service Brand Code List.

Service Brand Code Abbreviation Reservation Ticket Text MERITS Description
33   Ferry Ship
37   normal train Train
46 TAJ TAJ Day car train
47 TAC TAC Car sleeper train, motor rail (CST)
48 SAE SAE Unaccompanied car service, motor rail
49 EIC ExpressIC Fast and Comfortable Interregional trains
50 EC EuroCity EuroCity
53 EIL EUROSTAR Eurostar
54     Talgo
55 OTU Oresundstog Oresundstog
56 TGV TGV TGV Bruxelles à Lille / Province
58 TRN Intercités Intercités
59 AE ALLEGRO Allegro
60 ECB EuroCityBrenner EuroCityBrenner
62     Suburban service
63 IC Intercity Intercity
64     Hotel Train
65   Ferry hydrofoil
66 IC Intercity Inter City Lyn
67     TRN
68     International
69     Express
70 EN EuroNight Euro Night
71 HST High-speed train High-speed train
73 TGV TGV TGV Sud-Est
74 TGV TGV TGV Atlantique
76 TGV TGV TGV Lyria
77 TGV TGV TGV Duplex
80 TGV TGV TGV Interconnexion
82   THALYS Thalys
83   Ferry Hovercraft
84 RE regional train Regional
85 GPE Gotthard Panorama Express Gotthard Panorama Express
87   PENDOLINO Pendolino
88     Suburban
89 ALV Alvia Alvia
90 AVN Avant Avant
91 TER TRAIN Regional TER
92 REG Regiontog Regiontog
94 SC SuperCity Supercity
95 CNL City Night Line (D) DB Nachtzug
96 INI InterCityNotte Italia InterCityNotte
98 ESI ES Italia Eurostar Italia
99     Funicular
100     Airport train
101     Night train
102     Touristic train
107     Historical train, steam engine train
108 IRE IRE Interregio-Express
109 RB RB Regionalbahn
110 RE RE Regional-Express
111 RT RT RegioTram
112     Shinkansen
113 THT TrainHotel Talgo Train hotel talgo
114 EUR Euromed Euromed
115 ALR Alaris Alaris
116 ALT Altaria Altaria
117 ARC Arco Arco
119     S-Bahn
121   Night Train Night Train
122 IR Interregional Interregional
123 IRN Interregional Night Train Interregional Night Train
124 NLT TOLSTOI Tolstoi
126     ARZ
130 BUS IC Bus Bus
131 BUS IC Bus International Bus
153   special train Sonderzug
154     InterCityRapid
155     InterPici
157     Fast train
158     Euregio
159   Bus IC Ersatzbus
160   Bus IP Ersatzbus
162   Bus Replacement Bus
163 TGV TGV TGV Duplex Lyria
166 TGV TGV INOUI TGV Duplex France Allemagne
170 YHT YHT High speed train in Turkey
173 AP Albula Panorama Albula Panorama (Panoramic Car)
174 BEX Bernina Express Bernina Express (Panorama Train)
175 GEX Glacier Express Glacier Express (Panorama Train)
176 GP Golden Pass Golden Pass (Panorama Train)
177 BNI Bernina Panorama Bernina Panorama (Panoramic Car)
178 zb zb Zentralbahn AG Luzern-Interlaken Express (Panorama Train)
179 BXB Bernina Express Bus Bernina Express (Panorama Bus)
200 GGB Gornergrat Bahn Mountain train
202 ICE ICE-Allemagne France ICE Allemagne-France
203   ÖBB-NIGHTLINE ÖBB Night Line
205 ICP Intercity Plus Intercity Plus
206 RID Riviera Day Riviera day
207 RIN Riviera Night Riviera night
209 RJ R A I L JET Rail Jet
213 AZ DB Autozug DB Autozug
214   Berlin-Warszawa-Expresas Berlin-Warszawa-Express
215   Railpromo Austria Express/Treski Austria Express/Treski
216 PRECIOS MERCADO Precios Mercado
223 FB FB FernBus
224 ICB Intercitybus ÖBB-Intercitybus
225 TLK TLK train Yours Rail Lines
226 A RailBus RailBus
227 BUS Replacement bus for Regional Train Replacement bus for Regional Train
228 IR InterREGIO train InterREGIO train
229 IRB Replacement bus for InterRegio train Replacement bus for InterRegio train
230 MP Fast International Train Fast International Train
231 MR musicREGIO train musicREGIO train
232 OS Stopping Train Stopping Train
233 P Fast Train Fast Train
234 R REGIO train REGIO train
235 RE REGIOekspres train REGIOekspres train
236 VR viaREGIO train viaREGIO train
237 TK TurKol TurKol
238 EIP EIC Premium High-speed train
239 SKM PKP SKM w Trojmiescie PKP SKM w Trojmiescie
240 SA SAPSAN High speed train
242 STR STRIZH Strizh night train
243 STR STRIZH Strizh interregional
244 NJ NJ NJ Night Jet
245 CAR AUTOCAR French regional buses (not sold via Hermes)
246 RJX RJX RJX railjet xpress
247 CJX CJX CJX cityjet xpress
248   Night train BC Night train BC
251 ALI Aare Linth Aare Linth (Panorama Train)
252 TGO Treno Gottardo Treno Gottardo (Panorama Train)
253 VAE Voralpen-Express Voralpen-Express (Panorama Train)

Service Class

Code Description
HIGH Standard first class
BASIC Standard second class

Service Facilities / Leg Attributes

OSDM code Description TAP-TSI code list TAP-TSI code
  - classes -    
FIRST_CLASS First class accommodation B.4.7037 6
SECOND_CLASS Second class accommodation B.4.7037 7
NO_CLASS Unified class For services with no class differentiation. A service with only one class UIC B.4.9039 70
PREMIUM Premium class A class with comfort level higher than first class Business, etc Includes Comfort, Club, Pullman B.4.9039 54
PREFERENTE Preferente Spanish first class on long distance trains B.4.9039 55
TURISTA Turista Spanish second class on long distance trains B.4.9039 56
EXECUTIVE Executive class A class with comfort level higher than first class Trenitalia B.4.9039 66
BUSINESS Business class First class Trenitalia B.4.9039 67
PREMIUM Premium class A second class with comfort level higher than normal second class Trenitalia B.4.9039 68
STANDARD Standard class Trenitalia’s normal second class Trenitalia B.4.9039 69
  - boarding hints -    
LOADING_ADDITIONAL Additional loading of vehicles on a train of accompanied motorcars B.4.7161 3
UNLOADING_ADDITIONAL Additional unloading of vehicles from a train of accompanied motorcars B.4.7161 4
LOADING Loading of vehicles on a train of accompanied motorcars B.4.7161 7
UNLOADING Unloading of vehicles from a train of accompanied motorcars B.4.7161 9
BOARDING_POSSIBLE_2H Boarding is possible 2 hours before departure B.4.7161 33
ALIGHTING_POSSIBLE_2H Alighting is possible up to 2 hours after arrival B.4.7161 34
BOARDING_POSSIBLE_30M Boarding is possible 30 minutes before departure B.4.7161 35
ALIGHTING_POSSIBLE_30M Alighting is possible up to 30 minutes after arrival B.4.7161 36
OVERNIGHT_STAY_ALLOWED Overnight stay possible on board B.4.7161 40
N/A Time at which the traveller checks in B.4.7161 44
N/A Time at which the traveller checks out B.4.7161 45
  - special passenger facilities -    
BABY_ROOM Baby care facilities available B.4.9039 24
NURSERY_SERVICE Nursery service B.4.7161 30
CHILDREN_SERVICE Services for children B.4.7161 11
FAMILY_COMPARTMENTS Family compartment(s) available B.4.9039 48
ARMY_FAMILY_SERVICES Special services for army families B.4.7161 32
BUSINESS_SERVICES Services for business people B.4.7161 29
DISABLED_SERVICES Services for disabled persons B.4.7161 27
DISABLED_FACILITIES Facilities for heavily disabled persons available B.4.9039 21
WHEELCHAIR_ACCESS Access for wheelchairs possible B.4.9039 28
WHEELCHAIR_TOILET Dedicated toilet together with dedicated space for wheelchair B.4.9039 107
POSTAL_SERVICES Postal services available B.4.7161 37
LUGGAGE_TRANSFER_OFFERED Luggage transport offered B.4.7161 41
LUGGAGE_TRANSFER_NOT_OFFERED Luggage transport is not offered B.4.7161 42
  - entertainment -    
VIDEO Video coach available B.4.9039 33
MOVIES Movies B.4.7161 28
MUSIC Music B.4.7161 43
WIFI_FREE Free WiFi service on board available B.4.7161 46
WIFI_OFFERED WiFi service on board available B.4.7161 47
  - place categories -    
SEAT seats    
N/A First-class seats B.4.9039 4
N/A Second-class seats Also: standard, etc. B.4.9039 5
N/A First-class sleepers B.4.9039 2
N/A Standard class (second class) sleepers B.4.9039 3
SLEEPER sleepers    
SLEEPERETTE Sleeperette Sleeperette or reclining seat B.4.9039 8
SLEEPER_SINGLE sleeper, single    
SLEEPER_SPECIAL sleeper, special    
SLEEPER_DOUBLE sleeper, double    
SLEEPER_T2 Sleeper, T2 (two-bed compartment) 0    
SLEEPER_T3 Sleeper, T3 (three bedcompartment) 0    
SLEEPER_T4 Sleeper, T4 (four-bed compartment) 0    
N/A First-class sleeper, single B.4.9039 11
N/A First-class sleeper, special B.4.9039 12
N/A First-class sleeper, double B.4.9039 13
N/A Sleeper, T3 Second-class sleeper, T3 (three-bed compartment) 0 B.4.9039 16
N/A Sleeper T4 Second-class sleeper, T4 (four-bed compartment) 0 B.4.9039 17
N/A Second class sleeper for two B.4.9039 60
N/A Second-class sleeper, T2 (two-bed compartment) 0 B.4.9039 15
N/A First-class sleeper, single with shower 0 B.4.9039 18
N/A First-class sleeper, double with shower 0 B.4.9039 19
SLEEPER_SINGLE_SHOWER_WC sleeper, single with shower and WC    
SLEEPER_DOUBLE_SHOWER_WC sleeper, double with shower and WC    
SLEEPER_T2_SHOWER_WC sleeper for two with shower and toilets    
SLEEPER_T3_SHOWER_WC sleeper, T3, shower, WC    
N/A First-class sleeper, single with shower and WC B.4.9039 57
N/A First-class sleeper, double with shower and WC B.4.9039 58
N/A Second class sleeper for two with shower and toilets B.4.9039 61
N/A Second class sleeper, T3, shower, WC B.4.9039 59
N/A First-class couchettes B.4.9039 6
N/A Second-class couchettes B.4.9039 7
COUCHETTE_2 compartment with 2 couchettes   62
COUCHETTE_4 compartment with 4 couchettes   63
COUCHETTE_6 compartment with 6 couchettes   64
N/A Second class compartment with 2 couchettes B.4.9039 62
N/A Second class compartment with 4 couchettes B.4.9039 63
N/A Second class compartment with 6 couchettes B.4.9039 64
COUCHETTE_WHEELCHAIR Couchette with wheelchair space    
N/A Second class couchette with wheelchair space B.4.9039 65
VEHICLE_TRAINSPORT Facilities for vehicle transport etc. Not bicycles. Cars, boats, trailers, motorbikes    
  - food -    
RESTAURANT Restaurant facility    
BAR A bar is available B.4.9039 47
N/A Restaurant service in 1st class only B.4.7161 22
COLD_BUFFET Cold buffet service B.4.7161 21
HOT_BUFFET Hot buffet service B.4.7161 23
MEAL_INCLUDED Meal service included    
BUFFET Buffet B.4.7161 31
MEAL_AT_SEAT Meal is provided at the seat B.4.7161 38
MEAL_SELF_SERVICE Self service meals B.4.7161 39
TROLLEY_FOOD_SERVICE Trolley service (beverage and food cart) B.4.7161 25
SNACK Snack B.4.7161 26
BREAKFAST Breakfast B.4.7161 5
DINNER Dinner B.4.7161 6
LUNCH Lunch B.4.7161 8
BUFFET_MACHINE Buffet machine available B.4.9039 50
MINI_BAR Mini-bar available B.4.9039 34
N/A Meal service included for 1st class passengers B.4.7161 24
  - other -    
MASK_MEDI_GRADE Medical-grade masks must be worn B.4.9039 71
MASK Mask obligation according to legal regulation Mask obligation according to legal regulation B.4.9039 72
VACCINATION Vaccinated, tested, recovered rule applies on trains, valid proof must be presented B.4.9039 106
N/A Metro connection Metro, subway, underground connection Only used in TSDUPD B.4.9039 101
N/A Taxi connection Taxi connection Only used in TSDUPD B.4.9039 102
N/A Bus connection Bus connections available Used only in TSDUPD B.4.9039 103
N/A Tram connection Tram connections available Used only in TSDUPD B.4.9039 104
N/A 2nd Class couchette five beds C5 2nd Class couchette five beds C5 DB Nachtzug B.4.9039 105
BICYCLE Facility for bicycle transport available B.4.9039 26
PANORAMA Panorama coach available B.4.9039 36
TELEPHONE Telephone service is available B.4.9039 44
POWER Service provides power supply sockets B.4.9039 45
NON_SMOKER The travel service is non-smoking B.4.9039 20
PULLMAN Pullman car seats B.4.9039 46
WARNING_STRIKE Warning! Service may be affected by strike action B.4.7161 48
  - sales hints -    
NO_BOOKING The product is not bookable B.4.7037 25
BOOKING_ON_BOARD_ONLY Booking is possible on board of the vehicle only    
BOOKING_ON_LOCAL_STATION_ONLY Booking is possible at the local station / stop only    
BOOKING_ON_LOCALLY_ONLY Booking is possible locally only    
RESERVATION Reservation possible B.4.7037 11
SUPPLEMENT A supplement is charged B.4.7037 12
RESERVATION_MANDATORY Reservation is compulsory B.4.7037 13
RESERVATION_RECOMMENDED Reservation is recommended B.4.7037 14
RESERVATION_MANDATORY_PAR Reservation is compulsory for parties B.4.7037 15
N/A Reservation is compulsory in first-class B.4.7037 16
GROUPS_RESTRICTED Group booking restricted B.4.7037 17
NO_GROUPS Groups of travellers are not allowed B.4.7037 18
NO_RESERVATION Reservation is not possible B.4.7037 19
N/A Reservation in first class only B.4.7037 20
RESERVATION_MANDATORY_ORIGIN Reservation compulsory from origin station B.4.7037 21
RESERVATION_RESTRICTED Reservation allowed for some classes or products B.4.7037 22
N/A Reservation in second class only B.4.7037 23
NOT_AVAILABLE Not available B.4.7037 24
BOOKABLE_INT Bookable through an international reservation system B.4.7037 26
BOOKABLE_NAT Bookable through a national reservation system B.4.7037 27
BOOKABLE_LOCAL Bookable manually at Rus selling point B.4.7037 28


codeList = UIC, ERA

Additional codelists can be defined by implementers. The codelist name should then be prefixed by “X_<3 letters code for the provider>”. Example: “X_PAO_STATIONS”

StationCode: Values are depending on codelist and set is too large to be reproduced.

Supported Online Services

Code Description
OFFER Offer service (without after sales offers)
BOOKING Preliminary booking, confirm booking and cancellation
RESERVATION_LEGACY_918_1 Services according to the 90918-1 XML or binary specification
RESERVATION_PREF Place allocation using preferences
RESERVATION_GRAPH Place allocation using graphical place display
UPGRADE Upgrade to an existing booking
INCREASE Exchange with an increase of the number of passengers
DECREASE Exchange with an decrease of the number of passengers
EXCHANGE Exchange with the same number of passengers
FULFILLMENT Provides an entire tickets
FULFILLMENT_ITEMS Providing security items for a ticket (e.g. additional bar codes)


Code Description
INTERNATIONAL VAT applies in international tickets only. This needs to be applied in case the fare is integrated into an international ticket
NATIONAL VAT applies in national tickets only
SHORT_DISTANCE VAT applies in short distance tickets only
LONG_DISTANCE VAT applies in long distance tickets only. This needs to be applied in case the fare is integrated in a longer journey.


Code Description
BEFORE_DEPARTURE Time value calculated relative to the departure (subtract from departure). The time zone of the departure station applies.
AFTER_DEPARTURE Time value calculated relative to the departure (add to depature). The time zone of the departure station applies.
AFTER_SALE Time value calculated relative to the sates time (add to sales time). The time zone of the sale applies.
BEFORE_START_VALIDITY Before the start of the validity. The time zone of the departure station applies.
AFTER_END_VALIDITY After the start of the validity. The time zone of the departure station applies.


Code Description

Transfer Type

Code Description
WALK A walk
OTHER Other types of transfer (e.g. taxi, local city transport not included in the offer,…)

Transport Mode

Corresponding to numerical codes in TAP-TSI (B.2.3) / UIC (

Code Description TAP-TSI Code B.2.3
TRAIN   37
URBAN   12
TRAM   35
MOTOR_RAIL Car carriage trains 13
COACH_GROUP Group of coaches included in multiple trains (through coaches) 31
SHIP   33
BUS   32


Transaction type used in after sales rules for fares.

Code Description
CARRIER_CHANGE Exchange with a new fare of another carrier
EXCHANGE_SAME_CARRIER Exchange with a new fare of the same carrier
UPGRADE Exchange with a fare of higher value
GROUP_DOWN_SIZE Exchange with a group of less passengers

Travel Account Types

Code Description
TRAVEL_PASS A travel account or card that also serves as ticket in some area
REDUCTION_CARD A customer card providing reductions
MULTI_RIDE A travel account that provides a limited number if trips or item
LOYALTY_CARD A customer/traveler card that only serves to collect loyality incentives


Trave direction of a coach. To get the direction of travel for a place the direcion information of the coah needs to be combined with the direction of the seat in the coach layout.

Code Description
UNSPECIFIED The direction of travel is undefined
IN_DIRECTION In direction of travel
OPPOSITE_DIRECTION Opposite to direction
CHANGING direction is changing
STARTING_IN_DIRECTION starting in direction but changing later
STARTING_OPPOSITE_TO_DIRECTION starting oposite to direction but changing later


Type of the travel validity of a fare.

Code Description
SINGLE_TRIP Fare is for a single trip.
MULTIPLE_TRIPS Fare is for multiple trips but with restrictions on the usage.
UNRESTRICTED The fare is for multiple unrestricted use within the provided travel validity period.


Trip allocation process indicated the type of process a passenger needs to follow to make use of a multi journey ticket with restrictions.

Code Description
NONE No action is required, the usage might be tracked automatoally or via on-board controls.
MANUAL The passenger has to allocate a trip manually e.g. by stamping the ticket. (outdated).
ACTIVATION The fulfillment needs to be activated for the trip.
FULFILLMENT A separate fulfillment needs to be retrieved for the trip.


Trip allocation unit indicates the unit that can be allocatoed on a multi journey ticket with restrictions.

Code Description
NONE Individual trips don’t need to be allocated.
MANUAL allocation per individual trip.
ACTIVATION The allocation is per travel day for multiple trips on the day.
FULFILLMENT The allocation is per duration.


Trip interruption process indicates the type of process to be followed by the passenger to interrupt a trip.

Code Description
NONE No action is required from the passenger in case he is interrupting his trip.
MANUAL In case a passenger is interrupting his trip he needs to receive a confirmation from train or station staff
ACTIVATION The electronic ticket needs to be deactivated during the interruption.