Common Data Structures in Offline and Online Mode

The following chapters contain the detailed description of data structures used to describe fares.

The data structure definitions are used in the bulk data exchange and the online services. The requirements listed in chapter “Requirements” reference the data structures that implement the requirement.


The following general data types shall be used:

  • DateTime Formats: Date time values must be encoded according to RFC 3339, section 5.6.
  • Station Codes: Station codes must be taken from the TAP TSI retail station code list (MERITS).
  • Station Names: Station names should not include ”/”,”*”. These characters are used to define routes and alternative routes in route descriptions.


The specification (open api specification and schema files for offline data) are published as major versions in case they are not interoperable. Minor versions will include interoperable changes on the data structure which also includes providing additional data elements that are optional. Implementers must be able to ignore additional elements.

Indication of personal data

Within the online part the required personal data are indicated. The general grammar to indicate required data is used.

Indication of required data

Required data are indicated in a structured way using the following language: Data elements are indicated by their path to the resource separated by dots:

  • passenger.gender
  • passenger.phoneNumber

The required data elements can be combined using the logical operators:

  • AND
  • OR

Brackets ( and ) can be used in the standard way as for logical expressions, e.g.: passenger.gender AND ( OR passenger.phoneNumber)

Detailed data structures

The data structures to be used are defined in the schema and open api specification files. This section serves as additional documentation only.


After sales conditions define fees to be taken in case of an after sales transaction on behalf of a customer. The after sales transactions considered are:

  • Cancellation (= Refund)
  • Exchange with a new fare of the same carrier
  • Exchange with a new fare of another carrier
  • Upgrade

See code list: TransactionType

The after sales rules might include rules for a delayed payment to avoid fraud. This might depend in the type of fulfillment. (e.g. no cash refund on electronically payed tickets, no refund unless ticket control data have been received, …).

The refund fee can be claimed by the carrier.

The after sales rules bundle a set of after sales conditions under an id that can be referenced by a fare.

An after sales condition applies for a set of after sales transactions and specified:

  • the fee to be applied
  • the time when the fee needs to be applied
  • whether the fee needs to be given to the carrier or can be kept by the distributor
  • The data include the amount to be refunded. The amount is given to avoid any calculations with complex rules (percentage + minimum / maximum value) at the distributor side.:
  • The value and currency to be applied
  • A percentage for customer information. Due to rounding errors a calculated percentage could result in strange numbers (e.g. 9.99% instead of 10%)
  • The unit on which the value is calculated (travellers or bookings) The time when the fee needs to be applied is defined by:
  • The time unit (hours, minutes, …)
  • The time difference value
  • The time reference (before departure…)

See code lists: TimeReference, TimeUnit

An after sales fee is applied from a time before departure, after sale,..)

In case multiple rules apply to the same after sales transaction the rule with the closest time in the future must be applied.

Data Constraints on AfterSaleRule

Code Description
fee/feeRef In online services a fee is included directly, in bulk data exchange a fee must be included in the list of prices and referenced by an id. The fee provided must include the currency € if not agreed bilaterally otherwise.
applicationTime / applicationTimeStamp An application time stamp can be used in online services only. If an application time stamp is provided the application time as relative time must not be included.


A Calendar is referenced by a unique id which can be referenced from other data structures linked to the fare. A Calendar defines a list of days between two dates. If the dates are not provided in UTC the offset to UTC must be provided additionally.


Data Constraints on Calendar

Code Description
fromDate, untilDate fromDate and untilDate must be provided and fromDate <= untilDate
dates fromDate <= date <= untilDate


Carrier constraint limits an open fare - not linked to a train - to some carriers. The carriers can be specified either as exclusion list or alternatively as inclusion list. In case of admissions (train linked or non-train linked) the included carriers specify the responsible carriers to be listed for the customer on an fulfillment.

Carriers are specified by their Company code (RICS code).

Carrier Constraint Type

The included / excluded carriers are also part of the FCB barcode (IRS 90918-4) content and the ticket control data (IRS 90918-9).

The offline data structure includes an additional id to reference the constraint within a fare data delivery.

Data Constraints on CarrierConstraint

Code Description
includedCarriers/excludedCarriers Either a list of included or a list of excluded carriers must be provided. It is not allowed to provide both lists.


A connection point defines a point where two regional validities of different carriers can be connected. A connection point is implemented as the list of stations which hit connects.

In case a route ends at a real station the connection point includes the real station.

In case the combination is not at a real station an indication is needed to define the allowed combinations. This could be done by listing the next stations of other carriers which would allow a combination. Combinations would be allowed if the combination points of two routes share two common stations.

This would also work with multiple stations.

Connection points will include a border point code to support existing implementations where the border point code is compared with the timetable data. As in principle every station can become a connection point (e.g. all stops from Aachen to Brussels are connection points from DB to SNCB) implementations based on border point codes cannot cover all connections.

As on both sides of a connection multiple small stations could be connected and not all of them might be in the timetable of a train the connections point should allow to connect sets of stations.

  1. Two fares can be connected in case their connection points share a common station in the provided station sets if only one set is provided by a connection point.
  2. Two fares can be connected in case their connection points share a common station in two if the provided station sets of each connection point.

Fare Connection Point - Simple Case

Fare Connection Point - Complex Case

The online data structure does not include the id and the legacy code.

Fare Connection Point

Data Constraints on ConnectionPoint

Code Description
stationSets At least one set with one station must be provided in case the fare border is a real station. Two station sets must be provided in case the fare border is between two real stations.
legacyBorderPointCode The legacy border point code must be provided for the time being. New implementations should not use the border point code.


An elementary fare to create an offer linking all constraints to one price.

Data elements Description
fareType NRT, IRT, Ancillaries , Reservations
name Name of the fare
fareDetailDescription Additional explanation on the fare (e.g. on included fees like Diabolo or Venice fee).
price Price with currency € must be provided if not otherwise agreed bilaterally.
regionalConstraint Definition of the regional validity of the fare and the geographical combination rules (connection points).
serviceConstraint Restrictions of the service allowed to be used.
carrierConstraint Restriction on the carriers that can be used with the fare.
serviceClass Class the passenger can use.
serviceLevel Mode detailed category of places the passenger can use.
passengerConstraint Rules and restrictions on the passenger types allowed to use the fare and rules on combining passengers.
afterSalesRules After sales rules for the fare. In case the distributor is responsible for the after sales rules this is almost empty.
combinationConstraint Rules on the model of combination of this fare with fares of other carriers.
fulfillmentConstraint Restrictions and requirements on the fulfillment and security to be applied by the distributor.
reductionConstraint Rules on reduction cards necessary to apply the fare.
reservationParameter Information on parameters for reservation via the IRS 90918-1 interface and reservation options.
regulatoryConditions Legal regimes to be applied to the fate (e.g. COTIV, SMPS regulations).
personalDataConstraint Rules on the personal data to be provided in a booking.
legacyAccountingIdentifier Data to be included in the current IRS 30301 accounting data format.
salesAvailabilityConstraint Rules on the allowed sates dates for the fare.
travelValidityConstraint Rules on the validity for travel of this fare.
luggageConstraint Rules on the luggage to be taken with this fare.
legacyConversion Defines whether this fare is allowed to be converted to the old 108.1 data structure and used according to the old rules (YES, NO, ONLY (this fare is provided for conversion only)).

Fare (Online)

Data Constraints on Fare

Code Description
price A price must be provided for all offline fares including those where the price is zero.
legacyAccountingIdentifier In case IRS 30301 in the current version is used to accounting these data must be provided for offline fares
serviceClass Must be provided for offline fares
combinationConstraint Must be provided for offline fares
travelValidityConstraint Must be provided for offline fares
salesAvailabilityConstraint Must be provided for offline fares


The fare combination constraint defines the rules of combining fares from different carriers. It provides a list of combination models the distributor can choose of.

Content Description
model Code of the combination model applied
combinableCarriers List of carriers that can be combined with this fare. If empty, there is no restriction in combining different carriers. Carriers are listed by their RICS company codes.
onlyWhenCombined Indicates that this fare can be used only if it is combined with another fare of another carrier.
referenceCluster Cluster within the clustering model to which this fare belongs
allowedClusters List of clusters with which this fare can be combined
allowedDistributors List of distributors which can combine this fare. If empty, there is no restriction in combining different carriers. Carriers are listed by their RICS company codes. This is not present in the online data.
allowedCommonContracts List of Carriers with which the distributor can combine for a common contract. If empty, there is no restriction in indicating common contracts to the passenger except for the SEPARATE_CONTRACT model. Carriers are listed by their RICS company codes.

Fare Combination Model

Fare Combination Constraint

Combination Model


This SEPARATE_CONTRACT model is the model for not combining the fares in one ticket and not allowing the integration in one contract. The rules applied for this ticket are exactly the rules defined by the carrier in the fare data.

The distributor must ensure that it is clear for the customer that no common contract was established.


The CLUSTERING model tries to simplify conditions and fares for the customer but sacrifices a part of the control of the carrier on his fares.

Similar types of fares are defined to belong to the same cluster. The after sales conditions for a cluster are defined by the distributor. However, the after sales conditions must basic rules on after sales for that cluster.

The clusters correspond to the flexibility a passenger receives to change the booked train. This corresponds directly to the after sales conditions. Hereby the fees to be paid for such an exchange are essential for the definition of clusters and not the complexity of the process to change. Thus, a train bound ticket and an open ticket belong to the same cluster in case the fees to change to different trains / times are comparable.

The after sales fees can be demanded by the carrier.

The other conditions might either be listed per carrier or combined by rules.

The customer buying products from one distributor has a simple unique view on after sales conditions.

The basic parameters defining the price must be obeyed individually within separately on the combined fare/offer:

  • route description / train link
  • class of service
  • passenger types

The COMBINING model tries to be close to the fare conditions defined by the carrier but sacrifices the simplicity of the fare towards the customer.

The after sales conditions of the different fares will be combined into one condition to reflect the conditions of all included carriers.

The after sales conditions will thus depend on the combinations of carriers.

At any time, the after sales fees defined by the carriers are applied on the price part of these carriers only. The result is a list of times with increasing fees.

COMBINING Model Example
  • Carrier 1: 10% 20 days before departure. Price: 100€
  • Carrier 2: 90% 2 days before departure. Price: 200 €
  • Result:
    • 10€ fee: 20 days before departure
    • 190€ fee: 2 days before departure

Additional Clustering Model Data

Fare clusters reflect the flexibility a fare provides to the customer. Flexibility is defined by the after sales conditions that apply when a passenger wants to change his ticket.

Fare cluster code description
BUSINESS Refundable/Exchangeable after the departure or last day of validity
FULL_FLEX Refundable/Exchangeable before the departure or last day of validity
SEMI_FLEX Refundable/Exchangeable with fee depending on conditions of the distributor. Minimum validity applies
NON_FLEX Non refundable. Non exchangeable. Minimum validity applies
PROMO Used on a bilateral basis only. Non refundable. Non exchangeable. Minimum validity applies

Combinations of fares of different clusters is allowed with the fare clusters listed in allowedClusters. However not all combinations would be provided to the customer. A fare will be combined with a fare of the same cluster and in case his is not available with one of the higher clusters.

Clustering Model Example
  • Carrier 1:

    • SEMI_FLEX -> CombinableClusters: SEMI_FLEX, NON_FLEX
  • Carrier 2:

    • FULL_FLEX -> CombinableClusters: FULL_FLEX, SEMI_FLEX, NON_FLEX

Possible combined offers are:

  • BUSINESS (Carrier 1 BUSINESS + Carrier 2 BUSINESS)
  • FULL_FLEX (Carrier 1 BUSINESS + Carrier 2 FULL_FLEX)
  • SEMI_FLEX (Carrier 1 SEMI_FLEX + Carrier 2 FULL_FLEX)

A NON_FLEX would be formally allowed, but with the same price as the SEMI_FLEX so it should not be shown to the customer:

  • NON_FLEX (Carrier 1 SEMI_FLEX + Carrier 2 FULL_FLEX)

Other combinations would also be formally allowed by the data but suppressed as they would only offer a higher price. These should be suppressed by the distributor. E.g.:

  • FULL_FLEX (Carrier 1 BUSINESS + Carrier 2 BUSINESS)

Data Constraints on FareCombinationConstraint

Code Description
combinationModel At least one model must be provided


Fare resource location provides data on where to find online services for fares. The fare location provides three options:

  • Link a resource to a carrier – the carrier must be known from the timetable
  • Link a resource to the train – the data must be updated in case of new trains
  • Link a resource to stations:
    • The link can be made for stations and for connection points
    • The link is valid if start and end station (or connection points) provide the link

The online link provides information on:

  • The type of resource either for a whole train of an area. In case of a train the request must be for the train route between stations (e.g. IRT), whereas for areas there might be multiple splits in-between a train run (e.g. NRT).

Fare Resource Location Type

Fare Resource Location Type - Carrier Link

Fare Resource Location Type - Train Link

Fare Resource Location Type - Station Link

Fare Resource Location Type - Online Resource

Graphics Icons

Graphic icons are used to display a coach including its facilities based on the coach layout and availability of places. The graphical items include frames and icons to display seats etc. Graphical items must be provided by the sales application of the issuer application to ensure a unique look and feel of the application.

The coach layout provides only the position of graphic items (co-ordinates) not the graphical presentation at the sales application (pictures).

A large table spans two places, whereas a small table spans only one place. A small wall spans two places and a large wall spans 3 places. A very small wall spans one place only.

Data constraints on FareResourceLocation

Code Description
System For reservation interface 90810-1 the reservation system code is used.


The fare reference station set defines a set of stations where the fare is valid for all included stations. This set can be used in the regionalValidity description.

The corresponding bar code ab ticket control data will only contain the code of the station set, but the distributor needs the complete list of station to link the fare to the train routes.

A name can be provided.

The station set is referenced by the company code of the fare provider and a code unique within the fare provider.

A legacyCode can be provided to include the current code in the 108.1 data.

Fare Reference Station Set

Data Constraints on FareReferenceStationSet

Code Description
legacyCode A legacyCode must be provided for the time being. New implementations should not rely on that code.
name The name should not include ”/”.”*”.


The fulfillment constraint limits the applicable types of fulfillment and defined whether control data need to be transferred via a standard interface (IRS 90918-4).

Fulfillment Constraint

Code lists for required SiS: CardType

The following code list defines the card types for cards used

Predefined Card-Ids Description
LOYALTY_CARD Loyalty card
REDUCTION_CARD Card providing reduction
PASS Pass for travelling


  • for bar codes: BarcodeType
  • for fulfillment: ControlSecurityType

Data Constraints on FulfillmentConstraint

Code Description
acceptedFulfillmentType At least one accepted fulfillment type must be provided


Line defines the regional validity on a specific line. It might have additional restrictions to enter or leave at specific stations or to be used within an area or city only.



Passenger constraint defines restrictions of a fare concerning passengers. In online services the structure is reduced to constraints that need to be passed on for control to bar codes and control registries.

Passenger Constraint

Data Constraints on PassengerConstraint

Code Description
upperAgeLimit, lowerAgeLimit upperAgeLimit >= lowerAgeLimit


Specification of personal data to be delivered to the carrier. Personal data might be included in:

  • Booking service (OSDM and/or IRS 90918-1)
  • Control data (bar code and/or control data delivery IRS 90918-4)

The requirement for personal data might depend on the type of fulfillment or on specific border crossings.

Code Description
acceptedReason Accepted reason to change personal data after booking confirmation. See code list: Personal data change reasons
transfer The way the personal data are transferred. See code list: Personal data transfer types
ticketHolderOnly Personal data are required for the ticket holder only
dataItem Code of the data item required. Consists of languageCode, overruleCode (see below) and personal data items.

Overrule Code

Code Description
STRIKE Refund due to strike
SALES_STAFF_ERROR Refund due to an error made by the sales staff
PAYMENT_FAILURE Refund as the payment failed

Personal Data

Personal Data - Allowed Changes

Personal Date - Cross Border Conditions


The price data structure provides the price or a fee including the VAT details optionally in different currencies.


Currency Price

VAT Detail

Scope: see code list TaxScope

Data Constraints on Price

Code Description
amount Amount >= sum of VAT-amounts


The reduction cards of a carrier are listed in the bulk data.

List of Carrier Cards

Code Description
id Unique id of the card. The id must start with the RICS code of the carrier
name Name and short name of the card. The name should be used for the card selection by the customer, the short name should be used for bar codes.Usually the card name is not translated, but the card name might be provided in different languages by carriers in multilingual countries.
serviceClass Service class indicated for the class
issuer Issuer of the card. Usually the carrier providing the fare data.
type Type of the cards to separate between loyalty cards, cards that are tickets (passes), and reduction cards (LOYALTY_CARD, REDUCTION_CARD,PASS).
cardIdRequired Indicates that the card id must be provided in the pre-booking request to validate the card. This card cannot be used without the online services for booking

Reduction Card


A fare associated with this constraint requires one of the listed cards to be presented by the passenger on the trip. Card Ids can be taken from the listed cards provided within the fare data delivery or from the common code list in Reduction “cards”.

Reduction Constraint

Reduction Card Reference


Definition of a regional validity of a fare. The regional validity constraint is defined by an entry connection point and an exit connection point to combine this regional validity with other regional validities of other carriers and the specification of the regional validity that is used and described in IRS 90918-4 for ticket control. The entry or exit connection point might be missing in case the fare cannot be combined or can be combined on one side only.

Content Description
entryConnectionPoint Defines the connection point for connecting this fare at the start of regional validity (see ConnectionPoint)
exitConnectionPoint Defines the connection point for connecting this fare at the start of regional validity (see ConnectionPoint)
regionalValidity Definition of the regional validity as defined in IRS 90918-4. It provide data structures for zones, Lines, train links, geographical polygons and routes.

The connection points are included for combining regions. When combining two regional validities from two carriers the connection points will disappear in the combined data structure for bar codes and ticket control and from the textual description for the passenger.


  • Carrier 1: RegionalConstraint {Exit (A,B), RegionalValidity X – Y/Z- A}
  • Carrier 2: RegionalConstraint {Entry (A,B), RegionalValidity B – C/D – E}
  • Result: X*Y/Z*A*B*C/D*E

The distributor might need to remove doubled stations in routes in case the connection point is a real station used in both regional validity descriptions in case it is displayed as one combined text:

  • Carrier 1: RegionalConstraint {Exit (A), RegionalValidity X – Y/Z- A}
  • Carrier 2: RegionalConstraint {Entry (A), RegionalValidity A – C/D – E}
  • Result: X*Y/Z*A*A*C/D*E –> X*Y/Z*A*C/D*E

Connecting Regional Validity to Trips

The regional constraint is connected to the timetable via the regional validity, the connection points are used to combine regional constraints.

To support legacy implementations the connection points can provide a border point code linked with the timetable.

Connection Points and Timetable Routes

Regional Constraint

The online data structure will not use the id and will directly include the entry and exit connection point, whereas the offline structure will include the id of the connection point pointing to a connection point within the same data delivery.

The regional validity contains also content that is applicable to synchronous data transfer only (e.g. train links for train bound offers).

The data structure RegionalValidity is defined in IRS 90918-4 and included by reference only. It provides a sequential list of region definitions that can be defined as zones, lines, train links (online version only) geographical areas (polygons) and route descriptions (via-stations). The route description is extended to include fare reference station sets within the route.

Regional Validity 1/2 Regional Validity 2/2

Extended route data structure including fare reference station sets.


Regional Constraint


ReservationParameter provide data on how to combine reservations with NRT fares, how to book reservations via the IRS 90918-1 interface and which options a passenger has for reservation.

Code Description
reservationRequired A reservation must be made accompanying an NRT ticket.
reservationParameters981-1 Parameters to request the correct reservation using the interface according to IRS 90918-1.
reservationOptions Reservation options available that would not change the offer (same price and conditions) (e.g. Aisle or Window). The information is static and does not mean that such an option is still available. The preferences are grouped in case a selection is required (Aisle or Window).

Reservation Parameter

Reservation Parameter - 90918-1 Parameters

Reservation Parameter - Reservation Options

Code Lists

  • Code list Preference Groups: see Preference groups
  • Code list Preferences: see Preferences of places


Details on stations including codes and names. Codes must include the MERITS code in case it is defined for a station.

Station Detail


Used for all textual descriptions where translations might be needed.




Service class provides textual descriptions for the predefined service classes.

Service Constraint


The service constraint limits a fare to specific service brands (train types). The constraint can either be defined as a list of service brands included or as a list of service brands excluded for the fare.

The online data structure will not provide the id.

Service Constraint

Data Constraints on ServiceConstraint

Code Description
includedServiceBrands, excludedServiceBrands Only one of the lists can be used. Using both lists is forbidden.


The service level data provide additional information (e.g. text) in the offline data exchange in case the reservation API of IRS 90918-1 is used.

Description of a service level. The service level defines a specific product on a train which can have a price (e.g. Double places with shower, …). It is more specific than just the classic travel class.

The available service levels are defined in IRS 90918-1 element 308 (Service level code). The data indicate the service class that needs to be booked in case the reservation is not an IRT and parameters needed for reservation via the IRS 90918-1 interface.

Some service levels might require a mandatory reservation.

Additional to a service level there might be reservation options that do not affect the price. There are listed in reservation options. (e.g. Upper or lower berth in the service level for double Sleeper compartment).

Service Level


The travel validity constraint defines at which times the passenger is permitted to travel.

Data Constraints on TravelValidityConstraint

Travel Validity

Travel Validity - validity range

Travel Validity - excluded time range

Travel Validity - return constraint

Code Description
excludedTimeRange from time < until time
numberOfTravelDays A duration must be provided
returnConstraint earliestReturn < latestReturn


Definition of zones used in regional validity.

The area of a zone can be defined by either a list of stations, geographical polygon of a list of NUTS codes. Multiple definitions are allowed in case they define the same area.

Zone Definition.