OSDM Converter
The OSDM Converter allows to convert between old fare data according to UIC IRS-10108-1 (TAP-TSI B.1) into the OSDM Offline Model of UIC IRS-90918-10.
OSDM Offline Platform
The distribution of tariffs for international rail travel among railway companies and ticket vendors is set to become more advanced and flexible as UIC announces its new OSDM Offline platform, which replaces the PRIFIS infrastructure.
Once launched in April 2021, the new service will become an important foundation for pan-European passenger travel by distributing international travel tariffs and prices among railway companies’ distribution systems and making them available around the world.
The OSDM Offline platform provides in a software as a service (SaaS), cloud-based mode. Its architecture enables the ongoing introduction of future UIC services related to the distributing of tariffs and price data.