OSDM Demo App


The aim of the OSDM-Demo-App is to provide a working app to interesting parties to start implementing their apps and clients.

The app covers the complete booking flow, will include the reservation of seats and ancillary services, and supports trains, buses or other means of public transport.

The first Demo-App implementation has been implemented by SBB in 2021 in only 7 days using Flutter.

The current implementation of the OSDM-Demo-App has been developed as a web-application by xatellite and bileto, following up to the corresponding challenge at the 2024 Drei-Länder-Hack.


A deployed version of the demo application can be found here: https://osdm-demo.xatellite.space/

Demo App

To test the demo-application one needs a sandbox or production OSDM service, that supports the client credentials authentification flow and sets http access control headers accordingly.


For issues or feature requests please file them here.

For any further questions or support please contact:

xatellite - David Prenninger